
Stay tuned for chapter 19 


After the long wait and having Xerox being on hold. UPDATES WILL BE BACK STARTING TOMORROW. School is over so we are back on track. Chapter 19 holds reveals A L O T so be on the look for that ;) hope you guys will read the update because we put a lot into it :D 


Hi guys we hope all of you are having a great day/night :) Lately, we noticed that we aren't getting comments at all and the number of votes dropped :( we used to get above 15 votes now all we get is maximum 7 votes :( please give us feedback, your comments always draw a smile on our faces =) and by the way, the chapter was supposed to be posted yesterday but due to some issues we couldn't, we'll try to post it ASAP , bye!


Thanks for following me, TakenByUs. I will try to read some of it today. Right now, I am a wood chip on a sea of eager and hungry writers, wanting recognition. I have a lot of books on my plate to read and review. Also, this message I send to every writer who cares. We are our own best allies , and as such we need to put in some time reading others works and commenting. A writer is an individual who is blind to the nuances of his/her story. We need readers who are willing to comment and vote, as the reader acts as a lens which offers a different, but vital perspective. If you read and do not comment or vote where warranted, the writer is left hanging. So . . .readers, please help us out. Your comments keep us honest and help us improve our craft.


@DCFlowers Omg thank you so much this message is a work of art :)