
Just rewrote any mention of my name in the story to be "Tom" instead. Thought that would be a better way than leaving that shitty part of it in :D. Also, TDN:O #14 is in the works. Prepare for a combustion ;)


I'm working on TDN:O's 11th issue currently, and just wanted to give an update on my progress. I'm aiming to reveal Heart Queen's identity in this issue of my llightly inspired series here. Heart Queen iis the third harbinger of GGenesis. Hher motivations might also be revealed in the upcoming chapters ;) tthough I might give that into the issue after this. EEverything will fall into place soon. I mmight even add stuff no one would have immagined to turn uup, but I can't ppromise that. I wish you all a great day.


@TakiTheFlower PS: There might be a hint for one of the upcoming chapters ;)


TDN:O #10 has fully released now! :D
          It took me a while to finish the second part of "Casino Royale", please forgive me. I got sick and didn't manage to finish before June 1st, so y'all had to live with an unfinished issue. I'm good now though, and already starting a new project, though, this will not have anything to do with The Dino Notes. Have a good day, my followers


Little tease: The next project will have the name "Only Blue". Take your guess on what it might be about :3


Hello dear followers.
          I'm deeply sorry for my inactivity, I was pretty busy with school and family, which is why I wasn't able to write much. TDN will continue, I am currently working on the next few chapters and already have a plan on where this story will go.
          Be good and until the next time
          (Plz don't judge the self insert in my stories, I now also see how bad of a move that was from me)