
*inhales* I have reappeareddd!!! With a new chapter!!! >:0


@Takumi_karu sob the chapter isn't as long as I hoped it to be TuT


Hello all, this is @takumi_karu. I created a new account where I will be publishing my own human oc stories (sorry I've kinda discontinued my splatoon stories) but if any of you want to support me on this account, i'd be happy ^^ thanks much!
           (Maybe one day i'll come back to the splatoon fandom..)


Hey guys !!! So apparently i stopped making splatoon art. Very soon, most likely i will stop making splatoon stories. As soon as I'm finished my current story, SPLATOON: The Great Defender, I will most likely stop. Splatoon fandom has been pretty fun! Making squid and octo ocs and stories about them. And very happy most of you guys enjoy my books! :) don't worry, i'll still be around--supporting, reading, etc. So yea, jus a heads up. I hope to publish the next chapter soon and my LAST STORY containing all drawings/pics my splatoon ocs and stuff. So yea! See ya guys around! Sorry for long announcement welp haha. Veemo/woomy/oomi/ngyes!! :)
          (Who knows, maybe i'll update my splatoon art book every once in a while 'v' )


Happy new years to all!  this is the 3rd year of my account and I'm happy you all like my splatoon series a lot TvT  i hope that i can continue to write more this year and create more series for you guys to enjoy for 2023!! Woomy/Ngyes/Veemo/ Oomi! :)


Hai cephalopodsss ✨ and readers XD itz my bday today ack ack (yay me,,) um yah the next chapter for my story will be published soon !! Thanks all for the support on my last book as well !! Hope you all have a great day woomies, ngyeses, veemos and oomis !!✨ :D


HEY GUYS SO SPLOON 3 CAME OUT AND it's official-- I shall start making a new sploon series soon set in the splatlands !! Yahoo so yea hope you guys got the game and have some fun and hopefully we get to see each other in battle :b i'm clocking out for da night. Woomy/ veemo/ngyes/ oomi !! 'v'