
Hello guys, 
          	Please note that my user name changed from _shivani_1910 to TalesOf_Shivan :) 
          	Profile pic also changed which was edited by @introverted_Mona thank you for the wonderful logo Mona ❤


@TalesOf_Shivani akka kotha covers pampinchina chusko inbox la


@edwardchipmunk thanks for telling me but
          	  ipudu typo ni edit cheyadam kudharadhu ma ಥ_ಥ


Hello guys, 
          Please note that my user name changed from _shivani_1910 to TalesOf_Shivan :) 
          Profile pic also changed which was edited by @introverted_Mona thank you for the wonderful logo Mona ❤


@TalesOf_Shivani akka kotha covers pampinchina chusko inbox la


@edwardchipmunk thanks for telling me but
            ipudu typo ni edit cheyadam kudharadhu ma ಥ_ಥ


Here is a spoiler for Aadhya :p
          Make sure to follow me on Instagram to never miss out any spoilers


@_Shivani_1910 super excited ♥️♥️♥️


@_Shivani_1910 Shourya flirting with Aadhya (✿ ♥‿♥) excited for this chapter


Hey I get the fact that votes are required when it comes to writing books or any sort of creative work. In fact I support the fact that people should vote. In this case I have two questions for both the authors and readers. My question to author being " I know that other people voting gives you the motivation and feel to write more but does it really matter if others vote for the book one and why should someone vote for the book for you to continue it. Are you writing the book for the votes or for your satisfaction..? Not a blame  if people are not voting it is their loss not yours. Is them not voting going to affect you.. or you can still handle it. Just look at the bright side all your other books have recived so many votes and when you upload the chapter you don't recieve it but at some point the votes will increase... So figure out why you're writing this book for the votes or for your satisfaction and try to acknowledge the fact that you get these many votes since the purpose for writing the book should not be votes but your satisfaction. In the end you're the author. I am not saying people shouldn't vote but you shouldn't stop updating just because people are not voting...." This is a question or a statement for the readers.. "There are many readers and author's in this platform. There are times when they upload.. Suppose you have published a book that is really good and amazing and you don't recive any votes how would you as an individual feel...  If you don't like the story don't vote.. nobody is forcing you.. but acknowledge the author's effort when he/she publishes the story... Be empathetic and at least acknowledge effort and vote for it.." This is no blame game and this is only a statement according my pov..


@introverted_mona The point here is that vote is a reinforcer here. We use the vote to satisfy ourselves. If we get more votes we feel happy and if less we feel sad. Vote is a reinforcer which can put you up but also bring you down. I am not saying don't look at the people who are not voting but look at the people who actually show care and concern to your book since they are your real fans but the guy who criticises is a person who should make us stronger and not weak since he is the guy who is involuntarily giving us feedback. I am just asking her to look at the bright side and take things a little more optimistically


@introverted_mona Again to add on you are trying to look at aprreciation for your book from others but if you're not getting you ask people not to put offensive comments but how many people can you keep shutting up? If 2000 people put offensive comments you can't shut 2000 people because they talk trash about you. I am saying rather than shutting people why not take the offensive comment in an positive manner. Look at the bright side of the offensive comment cause in every bad feedback there is a good. And it is not worth to feel bad or sad just because some dickheads don't vote..


@introverted_mona See  if we look at my case I have other reasons to why I took down the book from Wattpad. I know there are 100 sites where I can publish my work but right now I am working on writing something. I have no right to say it to her. I am trying to look at the situation from a neutral perspective where there is an issue with the readers and the publisher. I am giving my viewpoint and trying to have a conversation here. To be honest I just feel that votes should not be a deciding factor on whether people should continue a book since a book recives good feedback and criticisms also. Criticism is offending and people should mind about it when they criticise and I acknowledge that it does make you feel bad someone does that you but why does a third person's opinion or vote matter to you to publish a next chapter. If we keep looking at other's not voting for the book what are you trying to say here? You are again playing the blame game here na by saying others don't vote so I won't post. That's like negotiation and bargaining. There are multiple perspectives to this and I understand that. I just wanted to know other people's view on the system of voting for a book and I respect your feedback.