PLEASE READ. IMPORTANT: alright, so after being dead for a little over a year, I am finally back online, and I have new stories and fan fictions to write. However most of them will not be what you're used to, as I am still working on writing most of them. and many of them will not be from the fandoms that you are used to. I instead will be posting on here original stories or fan fictions that I am proud of. If you do not like the fandom or the story, please do not read them. However, for the stories that you think you would find interesting, be review and leave comments what you think I could do better on, what I should stop doing, what I should keep doing, and what I am doing perfectly or close to perfectly. You're feedback is very much appreciated. And if you would like to read the stories that I have up that are not on my page, please click on the link for my personal account on my page. There you can click on published and look through the stories I have up there that are not up here. Your feedback is appreciated and please, tell me what you would like to see me write or what you would like to see me do on this account. I am to please both my followers and myself, so do not be hesitant to request anything. I will do anything from one shots in fandoms that I know of (Just ask me if I know of the fandom, and what scenario you would like to have), to fan fiction requests.