Hello I have a question if you don't mind answering to clear up a confusion I have, So Eternal Love it was separate not apart or connected to the other oneshots it was in its own universe, I love that Uzi and Nori are getting attention soon, but the confusion comes from the 7 kids at the end due to Eternal Love being its own thing I see only 2 ways this is possible one it is a continuation of Eternal Love and only us Tessa and Louisa was spared and it takes place 1/2 year later after humanity fell, or after knocking Cyn up in the unfinished Shower troubles with twins she brought Tessa and Louisa back to life for us and we did it with offscreen and if it is the last one 8 kids not 7 because V is also carrying our kid so you might want to edit that part if the last scenario is the case, I have no problem with Tessa and Louisa being brought back and things just happen off screen.