So...I did a thing. When I first started writing ,there was a story that I was working on but then I lost track of when I went back to school. This project was my BABY, and there were times when I genuinely felt that I wasn't doing it justice. IF YOU GUYS ONLY KNEW HOW MUCH I CRITIQUE MY WORK! I took the story down for some time because I felt like the quality was giving and I was also stressed with school so my updates were sporadic at best. Over the last couple days, I've been rereading Touch, and I have decided to give it another go. Soooo, if you're following, or this story is somehow still in your Library, you'll see that I have republished Touch, and have also published a NEW chapter. I do so hope that you guys are willing to give it another go and that its brings you the joy that it has brought me! PLEASE, as always, like, comment, and share. Your support means more than you know!

@_icybleu Aww! Thank you so much! I’m so happy to be back, I feel like I can finally think beyond school and work again! I’m so excited to get back into things! Thanks for sticking around despite my 2 year disappearance, it really means more than you know! I hope you enjoyed getting reacquainted with Touch as well as the new chapter!

@TalyahDenali9 Hey When I tell you I was confused Glad to have you back though and I hope you have more inspiration to continue cuz I know it can be hard