
Hey guys it's Tami, I'm so sorry for not being active on this account but I promise from New Years I will be active more on this account x


thank u for following me, and y guys r like celebs on here. in the sidemen f2f place. and keep making cool stories for ur fans. luv u guys!!


You're very welcome hun. Us? Celebs? I never thought about it like that before, I'd say Tami is a lot more famous than me ;) thank you though that's very kind of you. Love you too x


Thank you hun that's really sweet of you xxx ❤️


The amount of support I'm receiving right now is incredible. I certainly don't deserve all this love from you guys but I cannot thank you enough for it. I love you all to infinity and beyond and I just...I'm just crying my eyes out right now. Thank you all. 
          ~ Laurel xx