
Hi, everyone! So my newest story is officially published! 'Don't Dream It's Over // Glenn Rhee' I've published the first two chapters and whatnot. Check it out!:)


this message may be offensive
          So, I know a lot of ya’ll really like, and I mean REALLY REALLY like my Fuck Buddies book, and while I love that you all like it, I honestly HATE IT. I wrote that book in 2017, published it in 2018 and finished it in 2019. I was a teenager, I was still in high school when I wrote that book. Ya’ll I was crazily obsessed the the Dolan Twins. Now that I honestly lost taste for them, it’s time to retire that book. Ya’ll, it’s cringe. I can’t bring myself to even read a single chapter because I know I’m gonna shit myself, throw up, scream and cry all in one because it’s soooo bad. I don’t know why ya’ll even like it. Its bad. It doesn’t even make sense, PLEASE 
          With that being said…I will be unpublishing that book. I won’t delete it, but just unpublishing it. It’s not that great of a book. I don’t know why ya’ll keep lying, it’s straight up ass lmao. But yes, I will be taking it down because I just can’t deal with it anymore. 
          I do apologize to everyone who…likes…the book, but I’m sorry. It’s haunting me every time I see comments and votes and stuff about that book. I cannot lmao. Hope you all understand!:) 


Hi, everyone!
          I know I’ve been inactive the last few days. I’m currently on vacation so I haven’t have the time to write and publish. I haven’t disappeared or anything, I’m alive, just on vacation!:) 
          However…since everyone here is basically still asleep, I thought I’d finish up a chapter and publish it or something on my TWD Book. I might have quite a few chapters written honestly, but I’m not sure. So if I have a few chapters, I’ll most likely post all of not a few. But I just wanted to give a quick update and hope you all are doing well!:) 


Hi, guys!
          I know I might've published a Stranger Things book not too long ago, but I ended up deleting it because I didn't like it. So, with that reason being said, go take a look at my newest book of Stranger Things and tell me how you like it! It's pretty good, I won't say anything else because I don't wanna overhype it or whatever. But I do think this book is a little better than the last, so give it a shot!:)