
Lord I'm so pissed off and frustrated. In these past days I found 10+ unique perfect sci-fi novels only to find out some are on Amazon (and I'm broke because of this lockdown) and the others were last updated last year n this year on April. Waiting for updates sucks I haven't even updated my own books. I think karma is on my ass. If anyone has good sci-fi books suggestions please tell me


Hello Tamie! 
          Sorry, I don't want to intrude, but I noticed you being a follower and reader of fantasy and romance authors. Maybe you’d like to give the supernatural fantasy-romance ‘Regent’s Blood’ by M.J. Stephanos a chance as well. I’m a fan of her book and I think she deserves more readers and followers. 
          Best Regards soluckyitwasme


@soluckyitwasme ohh thanks i just checked out her book and it seems like my type of book. I hope she gives quick updates 


Thanks you so much Tamie for including I'm a Cyborg's Pet to that cool reading list. That comes over a little strange I guess thanking you for such a small act, but as new authors such as I don't know, us, we  still get a real sense of joy every time someone comes across our work Please enjoy the book. 
          We bless your wifi connection RK+Reb


@The-Scrivener you are welcome i guess 
            These days i add books into any reading list. 


Lord I'm so pissed off and frustrated. In these past days I found 10+ unique perfect sci-fi novels only to find out some are on Amazon (and I'm broke because of this lockdown) and the others were last updated last year n this year on April. Waiting for updates sucks I haven't even updated my own books. I think karma is on my ass. If anyone has good sci-fi books suggestions please tell me


Thank you for adding Breeders to your reading list! Don't forget to comment your thoughts. I love seeing the different opinions of my readers. Take a look at my other book in the making, Creeping In The Shadows. Again, don't forget to comment. Oh, and vote! Thanks again!