
I wanted to tell you that it is often normal for your mind to have several pieces of work on the go at once. You get ideas and you jot them down and then the ideas run out so you move on to something else and go back to the pending work when your creativity for the piece returns. No biggie! Just write where it's flowing. Friends and family would say, "Why do you waste your time writing?" Ridiculous and offensive question, really. But when us writers pass on, we leave behind a voice and feelings and stories for our loved ones to keep with them. I'm excited knowing that my great grandchildren will have an opportunity to read a memoir and feel a connection to a relative they were robbed of knowing. Isn't that a delightful way to look at it? Have a great day! I think I'm finally catching on the this Wattpad site. I'm just not sure how to tag yet. My tags don't look like yours. LOLOL


@Tammiinator this has started happening so often that I went out and got several small notebooks that can fit in my purse so that when something hits me I can jot it down right away:D today though I happen to be out without my tiny notebook, I left it by the computer and I had an idea and tried to keep it memorized long enough to get home but when I finally made it  home it was of no more:(  maybe I'll remember it later in the week.  


I wanted to tell you that it is often normal for your mind to have several pieces of work on the go at once. You get ideas and you jot them down and then the ideas run out so you move on to something else and go back to the pending work when your creativity for the piece returns. No biggie! Just write where it's flowing. Friends and family would say, "Why do you waste your time writing?" Ridiculous and offensive question, really. But when us writers pass on, we leave behind a voice and feelings and stories for our loved ones to keep with them. I'm excited knowing that my great grandchildren will have an opportunity to read a memoir and feel a connection to a relative they were robbed of knowing. Isn't that a delightful way to look at it? Have a great day! I think I'm finally catching on the this Wattpad site. I'm just not sure how to tag yet. My tags don't look like yours. LOLOL


Hey!  Glad to hear from you!  Hope all is well...yeah I been a busy bee; you know I got a lot of unfinished stuff, my mind moves to the next piece without having finished the last one lol.  I wonder if others have that problem.
          I see you started reading Darkness, be brutally honest 'cause it's the first LONG piece I have ever done!  The poems I posted last night...I took your advice about turning the journals into poetry and it worked out pretty good, I think!
          Now that you’re back, you plan on posting something soon I hope  :)