
*nervously waits for judgement* - me 24/7


@hvthbghhnmn "Hey don't worry about it. We're earthlings now so i guess we look past that. I mean look at me. Im supposed to be at least the size of an amethyst. But I'm smaller than an average Ruby." She took Ruby's hand and led her to a little shack by the sea. "I dont have much in here, but its a nice place to isolate yourself sometimes. Ive got Earth literature in here and some 'coloring books' Ive collected along with the colored wax sticks youre supposed to use."
          The shack was almost no bigger than a closet, but there was electricity and beanbags so its not like they needed much else.


@hvthbghhnmn "She's probably way back on homeworld. Anyways its getting dark. If you want to stay with me i can talk to my friends. They kinda made me a temporary home, but i think they decided to keep me haha." She stands up and stretches, her hair falling back over her pentagonal-cut (same as pink/rose's)gem."Just follow me. They'll probably let you move in with me if youd like, but lets just hope they're off somewhere else. Jasper kinda has trust issues." She walks into the wooded area, but keeps to the right side instead of the direction Ruby came from. 


@hvthbghhnmn "Well she wasnt exactly "friends" as the diamonds are way above us other gems, but she was a powerful gem that was created by them. She was the only success so far. Anyways they kinda passed her around and each one would need her for one thing or another so she never stayed in a single place. But I would see her when the diamonds would meet. I dont know which era you're from, but I was special to... My diamond... anyways... Sorry if i got into it too much. Ive just been thinking about them a lot...


@hvthbghhnmn "Yeah i heard Ruby ships are... Advanced? Im not sure. Most advanced technology Ive touched was some leg extentions." Rosie chuckles going back to running her fingers through her hair. "Hey can.. Can you tell me if you've seen a friend of mine? I think the Diamonds shared her, but i know Blue liked her. Her name is Angel Aura Quartz. I never saw her much after what happened to my Diamond, but.. I want to see her again or at least know if shes ok.."


@hvthbghhnmn *as Ruby put away her axe, Rosie put away her sword.*
          "Alright i suppose. Wanna chat on the cliff over there?" *she points to where she was sitting earlier. The sun has almost gone down and the city below was glowing.*
          "This is where i come to think i guess."
          *Ruby was surprised at her sudden change in attitude, but slowly followed her to the patch of grass she was sitting on earlier. Rosie sits down and pulls her messy hair over her shoulder, revealing her Rose Quartz gem on her lower back.*
          "Now. What brings you here to our little planet?"