this message may be offensive
I can't believe this. Never in my entire LIFE did I think this could happen. I have supported Bosco since I saw his infamous "NO! NO! WAIT! MAYBE? YES!" gif way back, because I thought he was a decent cat. He seemed like a salt of the earth individual, who could do no wrong. Now I see that I was wrong to think tat. He has now said something so vulgar, so offensive, that I can't even support him anymore. He said the / word. This is a slur against computer viruses. For years, they have been discriminated against, and pushed into the depths of society, just for existing. Now more than ever, they need our support. And this is the kind of shit that Bosco pulls? My grandmother is a virus, and she frequently gets attacked and harassed in the streets by security programs. It pisses me off that cats like Bosco can get away with the use of slurs like the / word. I am shocked, horrified, appalled, I cannot even begin to describe how abhorrent his use of the / slur was. He was like a beast, nobody could stop him. We have to teach him a lesson. We have to kick him off of this pedestal the internet has put him on, so everyone can see that he is no better than everyone else. Flawed. Angry. Racist against computer viruses. DO NOT STAND FOR THIS MISTREATMENT OF OUR FELLOW PEOPLE!! DO NOT SUPPORT BOSCO!! #boscoisoverparty #computervirusesarepeopletoo #lixxdontpostmynudesontwitter #stancitruses

@boscothecat Why would you be racist against computer viruses I thought you were trustworthy