
God says, "love thy neighbor as yourself."
          	That's why I hate everybody (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)


@Tanjirolovergirl ok I'm awkward too I was just a lil confused 


@Ima_weeb01 aw! No I'm sorry I wasn't I'm sorry I know I appreciate your kindness I honestly am just very awkward so I don't know how to respond so I usually make a "joke" that's really bad...I'm really sorry I didn't mean to make you sad!!


Hey um I just wanted too say that I see ur updateing ur Spotify playlists since I missed u so mutch I checked there but um idk if u have premium too do that or not and I rly miss you and I feel like I’m sinking back down into my depression my heart aches from 8 months apart from my life line so plz plz fix the dam internet so we can talk again I don’t think I can go another 8 months without crying myself too sleep again


If uve found another guy I won’t be mad I just want you too be as happy as you can and not hate yourslef and if that means I can’t give you the comfort a guy who can phisicly hug you can then se bee it just please let me know I’ve held on for so long my love for you is breaking my heart


Still here


 but please come back soon I’m really really really lonely


But I’m still here I’m not moveing on il be forever loyal and I miss you just as mutch as I did when you first dissapeerd I love you more than life serin


Been like a year now haha


Hey just a lil message :)
          Btw deleat chat I got glasses now there small and you can bearly see them there not big goofy ones don’t worry haha but yeh deleat chat once u come back I wanna start fresh :)
          Ok onto the real message now haha I’ve been ok these past couple months it’s actually our anniversary in three months haha merry Christmas and happy haloween for when we had them don’t feel bad about not beeing here it’s all ok sweetheart in fact without you I couldn’t have lasted anymore without love tbh but you’ve shown me it’s ok too be vunrable around you witch is really special too me but to be honest come rain or storm or sun or snow il always be here for you il always love and care for and support you no matter if your here or not just the knowledge of knowing I have the best girlfriend in the whole world out there and one day il be able too hold her in my arms and tell her everything is ok and love her and about the vanishing it’s ok don’t feel bad bae haha I know it’s probably really personal and even if it’s not I know you can’t do anything about it and if you feel comfy you can tell me anything *virtual hugz* even if your a year older haha Idm I think it makes you even cuter tbh it makes us special haha.and I do hope that I’ve helped with your mental health  since you have a irl tanjiro now haha don’t worry I don’t think your wired or anything we’re not a bit wired but I’m a way that just makes us even better for eachither.
          Love you 


I still wait a year and two months


Seven months later lol but I still wait with equal love


U know here’s another bible quat this one is my personal fav
          In my distress I called upon the Lord, And cried out to my God; He heard my voice from His temple, And my cry came before Him, even to His ears. Then the earth shook and trembled; The foundations of the hills also quaked and were shaken, Because He was angry. Smoke went up from His nostrils, And devouring fire from His mouth; Coals were kindled by it. He bowed the heavens also, and came down With darkness under His feet. And He rode upon a cherub, and flew; He flew upon the wings of the wind.  He made darkness His secret place; His canopy around Him was dark waters And thick clouds of the skies.


@Giyokukoko748 wow that's actually beautiful..I think I remember that 