
You guys still alive or..


@Tanjirosmuitship22w2 Yep! Haven't been on in a while tho-


Came out as a lesbian to my mom yet she said thats disgusting, and i figured out shes homophobic, man i will never ever ever tell any of my relatives im lesbian


At least now.


@MoOdYGirL1212 oh Sorry actually I was reading a Wmmap fanficiction and you know how is cluade.(if you have read it) well in some fanfic he is good and In the manhwa too.(later)  but in some fanfic he is literally a bastard toward his son. And I just happened to read one of those so i was sad and angry.i hate him but also like him. it's ongoing so when I finished reading that I noticed you message and misunderstood so sorry but yeah I do get it.


@AlexAryn5 hope u got what i meant..


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Omfg this girl is deadass annoying me, that's because she keeps telling me about her crush all day i could die and vents about her life which aint true at all because she told me she was being abused and physically hurt but they were no scars nor even a single slash there, and shes fuckin racist, backstabbing bitch ass, she even calls me an idiot while im not even doing anything but reading wattpad i think she needs to stfu and she called my kind girl classmate a whore which made me backstabbed her ass and boom my kind girl classmate told me that everyone in our section hates her because of how they are treated like some kind of slave by this annoying ass mf and rants abt her life while the others vented about her and she promised that she wont tell it to anyone but why did she tell that to the person who litterly has a crush on me, the person who has a crush on me told me everything on how shes talking mad shit about me, and wtf her insults are cringe as hell to the point i dont even wanna say it all ik is i wanna beat her ass up


@Tanjirosmuitship22w2 woulda dragged her ass and throw her in a dumpster


I was gonna teach her a lesson but when i got close to her bruh she just sweats and ran away like girl what the hell, and she thinks shes superior no joke she wants all the boys attention


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Beat her ass! Teach her a lesson. Go ahead, go for it! Beat her damn ass. This girl deserves a good lesson she can remember for the rest of her life.