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Howdy! So, I'm a lil bit narked at the moment. Simply because, it has come to my attention that someone has ripped off my lil Kitty story. To the point of giving cutsey nicknames to try and hide the fact that they took my OC, took part of her backstory with established characters, and her abilities and simply changed the name and some of her physical traits. Her personality? Identical. Her powers? The same. Her connection to Wesker? Identical. And before people accuse me of being an angry fangirl, let me make a few things clear. Firstly, that I'd like to think that I do a better job than this hack at keeping Wesker in character (although, that is up for speculation.) Secondly, Kitty x Wesker? Is NOT canon. I hate to spoil that for folks, but it is the truth. Theirs is a strictly "business" relationship. Is there tension there? Yes. That was not my intent; we call this a red herring (and yes, my inner fangirl does get a slight kick out of it.) Thirdly, it is the unoriginality that pisses me off. Yes, fanfic. I get it. Pot kettle. But seriously. Come up with your own OP character that isn't a carbon copy of my RP character from five years ago. Whom I first came up with when I played a zombified high schooler that loved to troll people. The author even ripped off Kitty's mischevious trickster humour, and furry facial expressions! And her dress style is shockingly similar. And as a side note: Onslaught and Neo are also rp characters that belong to my bf and my former roommate, respectively. Both of whom I had to convince to let me use their characters. Now, I am considering taking my story down entirely to prevent that shit from happening. If only because my bf does not want Onslaught being mishandled - I have to run every creative choice through him first before I publish anything pertaining to Onslaught. So. With this news... Thoughts?