You are my sun when i see you in the morning.. 
I'm Beliebers..
Id Line : Thantii_19
Ig : Tanti_patressya
I like teenfiction, romance, action, and fanfiction story
  • Indramayu, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
  • InscritSeptember 16, 2016

Dernier message
Tanti_Patressya Tanti_Patressya Jun 25, 2017 03:32AM
Happy Ied Mubarak.. Mohon maaf ya bila aku punya daah baik sengaja maupun tidak di sengaja..  :)Sekali lagi minal aidzin walfaidzin,  mohon maaf lahir dan batin.. SELAMAT HARI RAYA IDUL FITRI 1438...
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