@umnagillani Anything for You! And :) Love you to loads. I m in too love with that book and so Devastated however I read only the first chapter. I will keep giving you suggestions as you are the only true person I can trust on! Thanks a lot for coming as a blessing to me. See how only a message made us great friends. I just wanna cry :( Never met someone very supporting and lovely. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Even 102978288774327667294239843143904370421730727804237804307842708107842074327094279834277777777777777779342723479843987342897234897987429874218974728974289712879421 is divided with 38721348980908809999999999999999941530754207239171987147808754879018709519187578904318973487987418975134 infinity , those many compliments are less for you! Please be always my friend. :) You are an angel!