
hmmmm what if I wrote things over winter break? many thoughts. 


I got my friend to watch Supernatural after showing him one picture of Castiel. Let's see where this is gonna go (he told me he knew a bit about the show but he thought Cas was bad so...)


@TardisTrouble same I was randomly on Pinterest and found destiel fanarts and quotes but mostly Cas who was the reason for me to watch it


@TardisTrouble Cas was also my reason for watching supernatural and I ended up spending my winter vacation catching up and binge-watching 14 seasons in two months .


Hi. Not Dead. For the 3 of you that actually care, I'll be posting on Friday again and stuff. I'm working on some other projects that hopefully will be up here soon  (like in a few weeks...) but who knows. I'm also moving my fics to Ao3 (same name) but will still be writing on wattpad and stuff (A friend told me I should move some stuff over there so here we are). Anyway Happy New Year!


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I talk about Supernatural a ridiculous amount in school, and I'm currently trying to convince one of my friends to watch it. So this other girl who sits at our table told me today she started watching it (2 episodes so far) because I was annoying her and she needed to understand why the fuck I never shut up about it. 


@TardisTrouble my friends have put me on a ban no more spn talk . 