
OMG guys. I meet Mickey Mouse Donald Duck Daisy Duck and Goofy and got pictures with them. OMG!! I love Florida so much!!


OMG. I'm at the outback bowl in Florida and me and my band along with over 2,800 other band students including color guard and dancers. Oh my gosh was it a bit nerve racking. It was fun though.
          I hope you guys are having as much or more fun than I myself. 
          Well have good day/night guys. DragonTooth_player out.
          DERP!! 8D


haha. sitting at my hotel on a computer. their computer in the lobby. im about to go to our massed band practice in a few minutes. so excited. so ya. u guys need to watch the outback bowl when thats on in a day or two cuz my band is going to be there.  bye