
Dearly beloved/ #toolazytounfollow, I have no idea why any of you are or were ever following me. But count yourself the kindest and most discretely encouraging of people. I know it's been over a year, but I've become a ghostwriter. As you will see, nearly all of my work's I've unpublished so I can clean them all up. Hopefully a year's worth of progress is not wasted and I can reward your faithful follows with some actual quality. Ciao belles.


Dearly beloved/ #toolazytounfollow, I have no idea why any of you are or were ever following me. But count yourself the kindest and most discretely encouraging of people. I know it's been over a year, but I've become a ghostwriter. As you will see, nearly all of my work's I've unpublished so I can clean them all up. Hopefully a year's worth of progress is not wasted and I can reward your faithful follows with some actual quality. Ciao belles.


To the wonderful, (or just too lazy to unfollow) people who have read these pathetic, unedited few chapters I have somehow managed to placate you with, THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOUUUUUU! I am a horrendous person for only going on this site like, ... maybe once every two months? But you have not given up on me! (maybe) And while this may be grounds for insanity, let me tell you I am shocked every time I peep in here and see that I actually have follows. It boggles my mind. And though you may be few, (insert Saint Crispen speech quote) you wonderful people (most of which are probably just to busy actually posting stuff to unfollow such scum as I.) have given me such encouragement and motivation just through your mere presence. Over the last month I've been writing non-stop my Survival of Giants book. Which I fully intend to publish in actually papery form. In this last week alone I managed to write 53.5 pages! Huzzah! *Pops champagne* And though I haven't posted it on this site. And what I had posted up here long, long ago has since been trashed and rewriten 42 million times, you guys gave great comments and inspiration. So! I won't make any false promises of posting chapters for my other stories, as I am concentrating entirely on this one in particular. Instead I'm going to be using this thing as a sort of writing blog because my entire family thinks writing is crazy and it's nice interacting with other 'crazy' people just to feel sane. To recap. You're awesome, I'm sorry, I'm posting something weird, maybe check it out. Okay bye.


I've taken off a few of my stories, unpublished them for the time being, so that I can focus more on a few specific ones. Mainly "Empty Handed", "THHG2E", and "Heartfelt Hauntings". I've also been working on some drafts for   "Super Society", and "Psychos and the Secretary." I would love to hear more of your thoughts on any of these, as I value your input. (Some times even the criticisms.)


As some of you may have noticed I've been redoing a lot of Survival of Giants. I've had a chance to really work on it during the break so I'll be editing in the new versions and hopefully adding chapter three before February. If not don't hold me to it please. I've got 7 UC classes at my high school and a college course, plus I'm trying to get a part time job and doing the odd babysitting here and there, and then trying to attempt a social life. You know, the usual. Thanks.


@TarynLorden *keeing fingers crossed*


Come on people give Empty Handed  a great next chapter! :) Good reads. Follow? :o


@cyanideandcookies  You are probably my favorite follower, please don't tell the others.


The fact that you are reading these is awesome and highly appreciated. Imaginary confetti and sprinkle for all.
          *****\(^.^)/***** The rest of humanity can go have try to have fun without their confetti and sprinkles. But it'll only be an empty, hollow joy. (O_O)