
          I hate these word crimes
          You really need a
          Full time proofreader
          You dumb mouth-breather
          Well, you should hire
          Some cunning linguist
          To help you distinguish
          What is proper English
          One thing I ask of you
          Time to learn your homophones is past due
          Learn to diagram a sentence too
          Always say "to whom"
          Don't ever say "to who"
          And listen up when I tell you this
          I hope you never use quotation marks for emphasis
          You finished second grade
          I hope you can tell
          If you're doing good or doing well
          About better figure out the difference
          Irony is not coincidence
          And I thought that you'd gotten it through your skull
          What's figurative and what's literal
          Oh but, just now, you said
          You literally couldn't get out of bed
          That really makes me want to literally
          Smack a crowbar upside your stupid head