
im sorry for not posting but i been really busy...so i didnt have time to write the rest but i hope to get another chapter up soon...and i change the title to broken+promise=brokenheart.


Heyyy! I'm Lexi Bee and I'm not here too ask you to read my stories if that's what you think... x] but i really wouldn't mind if you check out "My Life's Twist" :D
          I'm here tu ask you if you can look at my website:
          maybe join if you like and tell everyone you know! :} My goal is tu reach 100 members so pweeease! 
          If you said yes tu this question then... I WUV YOU! (nh) If you said no well.... i still wuv you..lol jk... I would just hope that you would say yes and join then help me spread the news! :}
          Thank you soooo much 4 yur time! xD
          ~Lexi Bee


          Yes; Normally you would think i would say i was sorry for bugging you. But really; if people really where sorry for bothering with these self-advertisements you then the wouldnt leave theses messages! 
          Horray for bluntness! - 
          Read my stories? (: - I always return the favor, if you comment or fan. 
          I have sevenn stories! & bunches of poetry :) 
          ; hope we can be friendsss. 
          au revoir! 
          That is loooong
          V VV V 


Hello my fellow Wattpad-er.
          I know you must get an awful lot of these insufferable messages, but you have absolutely no idea how wonderfully grateful I would be if you could take a look at my stories. Sure, most of them are revolved around the same idea, but I’m just trying to find the right genre that I feel comfortable writing in. So please, if it doesn’t take up too much time, take a look and tell me what you think.
 #The Revolution#
          Everything seems to go wrong for Eden when her sister first goes missing. Her parents turn to drink to wash away the pain, leaving the sixteen year old to fend for herself and her baby brother. If things weren’t bad enough, a league of terrorist Vampires threaten to destroy the human race, enslaving and killing the innocent. Eden must find a way to survive along the way for herself and her brother, but what’s more, what about her disappeared sister?
 #Five Immortal teenagers on the road to… destruction?#
          Things have been better since James and his siblings immersed themselves into the human world, but things turn sour when their abusive Mother finds hem and threatens to pull them back – by the hair. The brothers and sisters don’t want to go back; the human world was their new home, but what happens if the generals send out half an army in search of the wayward teens?
 #The Prophecy#
          Young Louisa’s life was normal, up until the day she was Marked. Everything seemed to spiral out of control from the moment she was told she had been adopted and things don’t seem to be getting better. Vampyre’s weren’t supposed to have children, so why did she exist? [ A House of Night Fanfiction ] 
          Please feel free to send me our storied too, I would be happy to read every single one you wish. (:


hi i was wondering if you can read my story. it's called
          'i have to be his wife ... or slave. wtf! i h8 my life.'
           it's really good so far.
          comment as much as you want but preferably on the last few chapter. VOTE AND FAN.
          comment so i know you have been by
          tell me what you think. i'll return the favor.
          -jessica <3