
Hiya... so it’s 2018 and I have some news to share. I have a complete story in the works. It will be done by the end of February. I can guarantee that. Something I’ve never tried and turns out it’s really fun. Fantasy/fiction or whatever, and so “Honorbound” will be the first official story on here... hopefully it’s worth all the time it’s taken. Fingers crossed.


Hiya... so it’s 2018 and I have some news to share. I have a complete story in the works. It will be done by the end of February. I can guarantee that. Something I’ve never tried and turns out it’s really fun. Fantasy/fiction or whatever, and so “Honorbound” will be the first official story on here... hopefully it’s worth all the time it’s taken. Fingers crossed.


          For god sake. Damn... ok, for ONCE, I am actually say, I'm making progress. I haven't been writing much, but finally, everything is in order. Rewrite after rewrite, hour by hour, I have it. PROGRESS, is being made. Nothing will be actually posted till it is PERFECTED!


Oh woah woah woah, let's pause a second here. So let's just say that Jeopardize is getting a major edit. Like, really big. I've got a lot of re-writing to do, because intros are the worst. But I've looked back, and seen that I have changes that need to be made because right now, those first chapters just throw crap at u. I'll fix the mistake and hopefully keep on track >///<


CRAP! Okay big thing to talk about... Simulated. It may be deleted soon. Or become a prequel. It may only have 6 views but for those wondering, I think the universe would be better told at a later point in the timeline. I've got it all sorted out in my head so this may be a bit of a step to take. But the story would be more engaging from a different view. There's a lot to be told so...stay frosty.