Vibrant know­, nothing in today's world is ­free...blame it on the economics... 
          but actually re­ading any one of my story, is ­absolutely free....sounds like­ a good deal? :D 
          Dusk Before Nig­htfall-Avan is living her life­, like those stereotyped chara­cters, who is new to the unive­rsity-NMU, is quite an introve­rt, but then meets this playbo­y-Chris.....all goes perfect, ­until she falls in love with h­im. sounds nothing new? well, ­the story begins now, after ta­king off her virginity, she is­ treated like trash...........­.....and he leaves her forever­...or so it seems? after a whi­le, she discovers quite a secr­et, but she isn't as sure of i­t. The secret involves her ene­my, Isabella and .....Chris...­......who seems to have had a ­dark past, full of lies and cr­uelty, even beyond. Meanwhile,­ pressured by friends, Avan st­arts living a new life, and so­ she begins getting very much ­close to Luke, one of Chris's ­friends, who in turn seems to ­have a genuine interest in her­.....but what of Chis? and his­ past.....a huge crime? is it?
          my second story­ is-Condemend, based on how we­ sterotype harlots or prostitutes.... 
          its a short story.
          Thirdly, Tigon,­ winglet, aquas and them, its ­a fictional, and fantasy style­d story. As you could guess, i­t consists of fictional charac­ters, and some intriguing part­s relating to mystery,secrets,­ lies, culpableness and all th­at. I got the outline ready ex­cept for the paints for this p­articular story.
          Fourthly, Love, a choice? it again belongs to the romance genre, with certain adventure and mystery. What happens if twenty three months of your life are totally erased from your mind? and you discover meanwhile the mysteryinvolves you having fallen in love then, and are not to be only surprised to know that you aren't a virgin, but also a mother?
          Oh and its noth­ing about Vampires/pregnancy/w­erewolves.....enough of it, right? ;)
          Happy reading and commenting :D


Hey, I was wondering if you could read my first attempt on a Greek story. I decided to write about something new on wattpad instead of another vampire story even though we all love them (although it does include them but in a totally different context) I would love some feedback, criticisms welcome 
          It’s called: The Immoral Darkness 
          Cassie has watched the entrapment of her mother before her eyes from the very people she lives with…Greek Gods. Since that night, a lot has changed; she finds out that she is the reincarnated Greek goddess Aphrodite who is now on the run from the most powerful being…. Zeus. Aphrodite is the Greek god of love and a romance unfolds whilst her run from Zeus. She discovers many powers that endanger her at some points but she is Aphrodite, she somehow comes out of it unscathed. She is trying to go against the written prophecy, but will she leave the hands of her beloved citizens of an entirely different kingdom all to the rising darkness?


Hey, I was wondering if you could read my first attempt on a Greek story. I decided to write about something new on wattpad instead of another vampire story even though we all love them (although it does include them but in a totally different context) I would love some feedback, criticisms welcome 
          It’s called: The Immoral Darkness 
          Cassie has watched the entrapment of her mother before her eyes from the very people she lives with…Greek Gods. Since that night, a lot has changed; she finds out that she is the reincarnated Greek goddess Aphrodite who is now on the run from the most powerful being…. Zeus. Aphrodite is the Greek god of love and a romance unfolds whilst her run from Zeus. She discovers many powers that endanger her at some points but she is Aphrodite, she somehow comes out of it unscathed. She is trying to go against the written prophecy, but will she leave the hands of her beloved citizens of an entirely different kingdom all to the rising darkness?


You make my heart feel jubilant
          You make me feel warm
          You made my day
          For being my Fan
          --> I know its corny (what can i say, i'm a mushy sort of person --_--"), but knowing that someone liked what i've created makes me feel all those things.
          Hope you like the upcoming chapters, let me know what you think of them