
this message may be offensive
I'm sorry to all you who like the cp lemons or etc cause I will no longer update them. You can unfollow me or whatever but if I do return to the fandom it won't be with lemons. It'll be scary shit and only how Jeff, ben, slendy, etc would act. Sorry to all who loved those. If you really want I will fix the Grammar and mistaks but it won't be updated with new lemons.


this message may be offensive
I'm sorry to all you who like the cp lemons or etc cause I will no longer update them. You can unfollow me or whatever but if I do return to the fandom it won't be with lemons. It'll be scary shit and only how Jeff, ben, slendy, etc would act. Sorry to all who loved those. If you really want I will fix the Grammar and mistaks but it won't be updated with new lemons.


Hello everyone. It's been almost a year since i even went onto here.... My apologies over that...
          I'm very sorry to notify you all but i might stop doing creepypasta stories. No garentee that it will stop but you know ...
          I will be rewriting my ocs story. Cracked smirk is back and is around. 


           my name is Aurora I would like to translate the story you wrote about Offenderman, can I? please  :3   (^_^)


@ Offender-girl  it's ok (>^ω^<)


@Offender-girl as long as you give me the credit for the story and link me to the translation ver then I'll be OK with it


          Do you have time to enjoy my book AUTUMN PANIC?
          It's a terrific teen fiction.
          Set in Melbourne Australia and centres on three girls and their friendship groups.
          Appreciate if you could find time to read it and perhaps even comment. 
          Hope you have a fantastic day.


Guys. At 8:30 am I ran away from home, I dont regret it i wish i had stayed away and just kept myself away from them. But like a idiot i went back. I told my mom i went and tried to run away and what does she say.
          "your no longer allowed to go anywhere without me being around you" and then she basically says "do you know how much emotional pain you'd cause us when we noticed you ran away" she basically scoullded me for wanting to run away cause i felt lonely, my mom never pays attention to me and my dads always busy and never pays attention to me, my sister is annoying and fights with me. So given all this information, I think i have the right to run away and want to actually hear i was missed instead of getting yelled at.