
Officially started a Twitter account! Go follow @Tattered_Pages 


Oh my goodness gracious I finally updated! Sorry sorry sorry! I know its been months and ages and eons since I've updated! Whoever said that sophomore year was easy was crazy! Its a lot harder than freshman year holy cow haha anyway, Quentin and Blake have finally landed in Australia!


Hi!!! I'm in love with your book Persisting Anyway I mean seriously its one of my favourites!!! When Carter and Sydney got together I screamed in happiness!!! I was wondering if you would follow me please!! Xx


Ah! Thanks so much! You are too sweett, and of course I will! Totally unawkward but are you from Australia or England?? The spelling  of favourite looks familiar (and if your not then this got reall awkward... But thanks for reading and following! Welcome to the family! @Disney99