Thanks for adding Wolf & Witch to your reading list! If you get the time to check it out, I hope you'll like it. :)
Reading Lists
So I finally came across a book that brought some really intense feelings out. I am a mother of six children and my 1st set of twins were born with some health issues. The oldest of the set was deprived oxygen and had his cord not just wrapped around his throat but it was tied in a knot so it tightened during every push. The last of the set was deprived blood flow while developing (twin twin transfusion) and he was tiny as in less than 1 pound 6 ounces. The oldest has had growth, mental and educational troubles due to this issue during their birth. On his paperwork it is listed that he has a low or mild form of retardation along with having a high functioning type of Autism and many other medical issues. The youngest of the set was vegetable state and would never be "normal" and wheelchair bound if he had made it. The point of this rant? I came across a book that the writer used the word RETARD as if it was a funny thing to say about others. I seen red! I wanted to go trough my screen and smack the living daylights out of this person! Some people do not understand the use of that word is beyond offensive to many many people. It is like the "N" word, or "Wop" and even "Spic"! These are words that you truly do not say no matter the situation! If you would not like for yourself, a parent, a sibling or any loved one to be called out their names by someone else; remember people like my kid don't like to be reminded they have a disability that makes them a target in their life! How dare you book or not use that word freely as if it is acceptable! Shame on you and shame on your parents for not teaching you any better!
Thanks for adding Wolf & Witch to your reading list! If you get the time to check it out, I hope you'll like it. :)
Thank you so much for adding The Blood of Jezebel to your reading list. I really hope you enjoy reading. ❤
So I finally came across a book that brought some really intense feelings out. I am a mother of six children and my 1st set of twins were born with some health issues. The oldest of the set was deprived oxygen and had his cord not just wrapped around his throat but it was tied in a knot so it tightened during every push. The last of the set was deprived blood flow while developing (twin twin transfusion) and he was tiny as in less than 1 pound 6 ounces. The oldest has had growth, mental and educational troubles due to this issue during their birth. On his paperwork it is listed that he has a low or mild form of retardation along with having a high functioning type of Autism and many other medical issues. The youngest of the set was vegetable state and would never be "normal" and wheelchair bound if he had made it. The point of this rant? I came across a book that the writer used the word RETARD as if it was a funny thing to say about others. I seen red! I wanted to go trough my screen and smack the living daylights out of this person! Some people do not understand the use of that word is beyond offensive to many many people. It is like the "N" word, or "Wop" and even "Spic"! These are words that you truly do not say no matter the situation! If you would not like for yourself, a parent, a sibling or any loved one to be called out their names by someone else; remember people like my kid don't like to be reminded they have a disability that makes them a target in their life! How dare you book or not use that word freely as if it is acceptable! Shame on you and shame on your parents for not teaching you any better!
Hey Reethan~~Thanx for adding "The Tattooed Princess" Books 1&2 to your list. I promise you won't be disappointed. Feel free to message me anytime. Enjoy the Tat-tale! ~~Califia
After such sweet encouragement about my book, Challenges: The Foresters, I came to read your bio and I am amazed at the way you juggle time and children. If you can do all that, you can write. You mentioned you don't know if others will like your drafts. There's only one fair way to find out. Put up a chapter or two and find out what others think. I have done that many times. I wasn't sure if anyone would like Challenges. Trust me, it's beyond different from standard storyline's. Not only do I have a dozen characters, with backstory, I gave each one their own personalities. I feared readers would complain they were confused with all of them. Most writers understand what they mean, but will it be conceived that way? Thankfully, there wasn't a problem. So now, I write new drafts to see what they think--mistakes and all. You will find good advice and hear from those who don't get what you are doing. Let me know when you are ready, and I will read it. BTW, Youtube has free videos on how to write a novel. I listened to all of them a few years back. They're still there and more besides. You might enjoy them.
@TattooedMommy I used the search for Autobiography and for Biography to see what or who has written one. I'd start reading those to help you see what they are doing. Ask them questions too. Those books are written differently than a Fiction Novel, so I haven't studied the style. I don't advise on something I'm ignorant about. Sorry.
@SueHart2 I want any and all advice I can get! I am struggling with this to be honest. Pleas point out mistakes for the fact I have a learning disability and sometimes do not see them right away. My teacher is a pot smoking hippy that finds it funny to have our online classes barely dressed so the advice he gives us is sometimes off the wall and other times just brilliant...
@TattooedMommy Don't think I wasn't serious about reading it... I am. Let me know if you want suggestions or tips. I can use messages to talk to you, if that's better. I won't pick out mistakes. Just get where you are going with the story, maybe offer tips on pace, and characters. Little things that authors gave to me when I began so many, many years ago. For all I know, your teacher is an author and can give you tips. But you make sure I'm aware of your book being posted! It'll be fun to see what you create.
Really wish that Wattpad would quit adding crap trying to make the site "better" when in fact they are destroying the "enjoyment" factor of it all!!! The updating of the app/site has done more damage than actually coming close to make it a better experience cause it can be a nightmare!!!! ✓ The forced promoted ads that freeze up. ✓ The forced promoted ads that appear maybe once or twice in a book is doable especially when I figured out if you mark "shake for issues" it gets you out of a frozen promoted ad BUT when they appear after every chapter it's ridiculous. ✓ The crashing of the app where a book closes out on it's own (loses your page/place) and takes you back to the home screen or library. ✓ The digital media that sounds off during a book when there is no video. ✓ The app crashing back to back. ✓ The app quit marking the status of a book even if you completely read it. Fix all the issues you already have going Wattpad before you try and "fix" or add other stuff!!! There is a social media site that many readers are looking for a different site to use with less issues! I may only be 1 single voice, but there are several thousand that are feeling the same way and if the issues keep happening my 1 voice and them other thousand will be using a different site or app telling other readers about it and word of mouth is a wonderful thing... Quit destroying the app so many of us use to enjoy!!!!
@TattooedMommy I have been singing that song myself for months! I keep hoping they get a new programmer. This site is world-wide, and handles millions of writers who post books and then edit. Not to mention the clubs too. But I don't use a phone or a tablet on this site. I use my laptop and I don't have those problems with popups. Lucky me.
When is the payment plan starting? I refuse to read a book with ads or commercials so I am at the point of no choice but to reduce my library by a huge count!! I am to the point where I am running out of options... Anyone know when it will finally be available???
Okay, does anyone else give up reading a story due to not liking a character at all? I am struggling to even continue the past 5 books I've started. I have a rule; 10 chapters before I give up and lately I have given up and removed the books from my library. I've had some major emotional connections with a few stories I've found and then WHAM out of nowhere I find one that has a character that in my opinion ruins the storyline and I have to give up trying to read it since I wasn't enjoying it in the first place... I am just curious.
@TattooedMommy I can't resist answering this question. You bet! Characters can make or break a story. If your best friend is sad all the time, you will slowly find yourself making excuses to be busy. The same for all moods. Too much of anything is not good. But it has to make sense. We have reasons for attitudes and so does a character. Even an antagonist (like Alan) needs personality. It can be fun to hate someone like him. But picture him as the main character in a book. Believe me, you will close the cover pretty quickly. So don't beat yourself up. We all find those books.
@TattooedMommy I can't resist answering this question. Since I've been writing for 15 years, there's a rule. The first paragraph grabs attention, the first page begins a clear plot and introduces characters. Mostly, those characters must tell the story in action by showing. Don't tell me, let them. If you don't see this, the pace will be off. This is how you grab a reader from the beginning and make him read that book to the end and even stay up half the night to see what happens. And then keep the reader guessing all the way through. Cover to cover. If they can figure it out, they could write it.
Again with the ads... There should be a way to not have to deal with that nonsense! I am running out of completed books to read on this site because I absolutely refuse to read books with ads or commercials!! Anyone know of any other sites like this to read books; just without the damn ads? Absolutely frustrated cause I was enjoying the plot and WHAM the ad popped up and I was 100% done with that book.
I am not sure if it is just me or what; but I cannot read the stories that have commercials! I read a good portion of them and all of a sudden they really bug me! Am I the only one? I am just curious is all...
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