
If you guys are reading Just Try Me; be expecting an update!


Hey TawnyStedman! I've had this question for a long time now, for a year to be exact. But any chance you are gonna update Try me? If not I would like permission to take it off your hands I have a lot of ideas that I think would be cool. 


Hey everyone! I'm here to say thank you, to all of my wonderful followers. You guys mean the world to me, even though I don't even know you in person.  You guys impacted my life; known or not.  I only know about 4 of you in person, but you all mean the same to me.  So, THANK YOU GUYS SO FRICKEN MUCH.  THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!  I LOVE YOU ALL!


@TawnyStedman Its angel btw from ams


@TawnyStedman Tawny message me I miss you.