Okay so for my new story, I’m wanting to plan it out way better than I did my last story. My last story I had started on a whim one random day when I was 14 and completely winged the rest of it. But now, in order to become a better writer for both myself and my readers, I want to have a complete idea of what I want to do. So I have a few questions for all of y’all….
1) how many episodes do you like a story to initially start with (3,5,10,etc) before making regular updates?
2) how long do you like each chapter to be (word count or read time)?
3) about how many chapters total do you like stories to be?
4) when it comes to love stories, do you prefer a “love at first sight” story line, or a slow burn? Or perhaps somewhere in the middle?
Thanks loves ❤️
Hope to hear from you