
If Fireheart hadn’t discovered the dog pack and ThunderClan was ravaged by then, who do u think would or should survive, currently I have Bluestar and Swiftpaw in my List. I need Three warriors, one apprentice, a Queen, and Three kits. This will be set just after Tigerstar is shown as leader of ShadowClan so Bramblekit and Tawnykit are still in the nursery.


If Fireheart hadn’t discovered the dog pack and ThunderClan was ravaged by then, who do u think would or should survive, currently I have Bluestar and Swiftpaw in my List. I need Three warriors, one apprentice, a Queen, and Three kits. This will be set just after Tigerstar is shown as leader of ShadowClan so Bramblekit and Tawnykit are still in the nursery.


@Lizzy_Afton @florapetals @voidflower @Twilightbreeze @Sorrel56 @bllom_skies @Bookwriter345
          I'm attempting to write a book about A kids survival with his family and friends, and others in a school in nuclear winter. I was wondering If any of you would Like to help?


Ooh that seems amazing!
            I would definitely try and read it, but I’m too busy right now to participate in the writing process, sorry! *~* <333