My name is Taylor Prescott James. I was born and raised in France. My mother is American and my father is French. 
Je m'appelle Taylor Prescott James. Je suis né et j'ai grandi en France. Ma mère est américaine et mon père est français
  • ПриєднавсяOctober 16, 2015

Останнє повідомлення
TaylorJamesWriter TaylorJamesWriter Apr 13, 2020 04:51AM
Hey y'all it's been awhile since I've been on here but I'm not staying permanently. I've come on here to re write and definitely lengthen Runaway Journalist and The bullying Games. But these updates...
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Історії від Taylor James
The Bullying Games{permantly On Hold} від TaylorJamesWriter
The Bullying Games{permantly On Ho...
This book is about: 2 royal teenagers. They ended up getting into a fight over a game that Jessie changed ove...
Forgetfull Memories від TaylorJamesWriter
Forgetfull Memories
As Juliet at 16 year old girl in high school was mistaken for someone else during a normal evening out with h...
Runaway Journalist від TaylorJamesWriter
Runaway Journalist
Jenna's life is beginning to crumble her best friend became "one of them" someone who is hurt must...
ще +7
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