Could you maybe check out our story?
It's about 1D as spies! *cue James Bond theme song*
Pretty please with chocolatey chocolate on top? Thanks if you take a look!
I noticed you are 1D Fans like me (WOO!) And was wondering if you'd like to enter your fanfic in the 1D Nommie Awards? The terms are on my profile, If you could, Check them out?
@TAYLORandOLIVIA GAAAAH I'M THE ONE THAT LIKES JAI ASDJFNRAHNRFPIRUFH I'M SO JEALOUS DOIUGHROUGH no fair! Lol the closest i've got is a follow and retweet from him :::( heehe I've planned with my friend to go Melbourne next year before they turn 17 'cause then we'll be 15 and it would be easier to make them fall in love with us ;) ( fantasies...fantasies...) hehe xx and thankyou!!