
Hello again. I don't know how I will be officially "back" on Wattpad, but I just want to inform you guys and those who still stayed: my only published book has two new chapters. I plan to do more with the book despite it being just a draft keeper, I will give it a proper cover one day and I'll also give it a proper introduction as well.


Hello again. I don't know how I will be officially "back" on Wattpad, but I just want to inform you guys and those who still stayed: my only published book has two new chapters. I plan to do more with the book despite it being just a draft keeper, I will give it a proper cover one day and I'll also give it a proper introduction as well.


قد تكون الرسالة مسيئة
          2023 already, huh?
          hi. hello, this is not my official comeback.
          i was only prompted to touch wattpad again after like months of leaving it collecting dust in the corner of my devices thanks to a sudden notification of an… acquaintance of mine voting on my one and only public story, The SoC AU Trailers book.
          I spent some time scavenging around my profile and their profile and my friends’ profiles — basically I just, scavenged and looked through a lot of stuff I abandoned, and decided on something.
          I will return, alive and for real, on wattpad. However, that time will not be now. I’m dealing with IGCSE. The plague lasts for like, a month and a half or more, nasty shit right there so I need to concentrate on my studies but I promise I’ll return when it’s all over.
          I’ll be spending time renovating and revamping this whole thing, so do expect my only published book to be archived again because god do those chapters need rewriting as well
and I have a knack for impressing my friends and acquaintances who come back every once in a while, so yes, I’ll be changing up several things as my writing skills have improved over the years as well
          So like, what is gonna happen? What am I gonna do?
          To begin, I think I’m gonna start being more organised and strict with my socials. Not that I won’t have several outlets for myself to goof around and slack, but basically I think I want to really start taking my project seriously. I’m planning to make a separate Instagram account for me to world build, talk and show off the characters me and my friends have created for this project, and the idea stemmed from someone I quite admire from said app — you can go look her account up, their username is Kelpible and I aspire to become someone like her as well.


Well, I like drawing. I like creating. I like writing. But sometimes, Instagram can’t really tackle with all that, especially the writing part, can it?
            So I want to utilise the app I’ve always dreamed of having since I was like 10 properly. I want to turn this into a bit of a strict, professional outlet for myself to post drafts and pieces that help the gears in my brain tick and spin, and I also basically pretty much just want to use this as another way for me to gain validation even though I’m old enough to know that god damn, the algorithm in Wattpad just really sucks my ass.
            In the future do expect my grand return with perhaps three new books? I was already on my way to rewriting my supposed main OC / mascot’s story, Taylor, but I haven’t finished like one whole arc (which is several chapters) of her childhood so I can’t guarantee results.
            And…. I think that’s all? I’ll ask my father to take down all my time limits on all my socials so that I can properly connect with everyone with no disruptions, and if you want more activity from me just follow me on my Instagram account, I use the same name for all my users and although I’m not posting now everyone is welcome to run through my old stuff and see how I’ve been doing whilst I was gone here.
            and so I conclude this “announcement”. I apologise if it’s sloppy, I was just surprised my old acquaintance would come visit my profile again.
            Regards, Yesenia


so its been a while, and my friend posted an announcement saying that she's lost interest in wattpad
          so i thought id tell you guys something too
          no, don't worry, i hadn't really lost interest in writing
          its just that im working on something else
          and the fact that my checkpoint exams are coming kinda also disturbs my fantasy on working on my projects and wrighter's mansion
          i haven't touched wattpad in a while cause im slowly losing interest in it, but maybe its just because i haven't really gotten back to its good side yet
          but its fine its fine, i promise ill get back to my book later on when i can, and im not giving up on everyone like how people normally do
          im just working on something very big right now, its a bit addicting but its fun so
          again, take note that im not gonna discontinue my story, i still have a couple more sparks for it and my other stories
          so dont lose hope and cya'll in a while


Alright folks
          I haven't been having the motivation to write my stories because I am indecisive and I want to draw pictures for the stories but again I don't know which one
          Sooooo I need y'all to vote on which published story you want me to complete first.
          Because then I would put all my focus on that one book and the rest..
          I might also continue the rest but only once in a while
          So, which one of the books are you guys here for?
          Which book do you want me to complete faster?
          PEYTONIA: The New Country
          My Two Demigod Brothers
          Welcome to Wrighter's Mansion!
          Please leave your vote down below in the comments
          I need everyone to respond cause I'm getting sick of staying in the boring parts of the story which is the beginning of some of my stories.
          All the climaxes are so much more fun to write about 
          I'll see y'all in the Malaysian morning
          (also this is a repost if you guys got this notification please tell me)


@Taylor_TDM_101 Hm... Wrighter's Mansion sounds good! ^^


Okay good so far one person has seen this can everyone else please acknowledge to this


y'all know what
          since my friend gabby was the only one who voted for wrighter's mansion I decided to put my focus on that as I mix my real life events and my imagination into the story so I'm sorry to those who were waiting for my other books, but I'm gonna have to unpublished them and leave them behind for a while
          BUT that doesn't mean I'm gonna delete them and give up on my OCS NO I LOVE THEM I WOULD NEVER-
          serves y'all right for not voting in the last post
          but now I've made my decision as school is about to start for me and I won't have much time to draw
          have a good day everyone


Alright folks
          I haven't been having the motivation to write my stories because I am indecisive and I want to draw pictures for the stories but again I don't know which one
          Sooooo I need y'all to vote on which published story you want me to complete first.
          Because then I would put all my focus on that one book and the rest..
          I might also continue the rest but only once in a while
          So, which one of the books are you guys here for?
          Which book do you want me to complete faster?
          PEYTONIA: The New Country
          My Two Demigod Brothers
          Welcome to Wrighter's Mansion!
          Please leave your vote down below in the comments
          I need everyone to respond cause I'm getting sick of staying in the boring parts of the story which is the beginning of some of my stories.
          All the climaxes are so much more fun to write about 
          I'll see y'all in the Malaysian morning


oh and im aiming to publish at least 3 chapters for each and every book ive published so ill probably stop working on wrighter's mansion for a while but dont worry, ive got some drafts prepared
          all i need is to insert pics and edit the whole thing again before i can even publish those chapters
          oh and ive also got two books in the working
          they'll be coming soon
          with 3 chapters
          one of them have 5 to 6 drafts while the other just has 2
          aosfniajsngiuasdfijksandfjmnhju i dont have inzperashion for the one with 2 drafts but i promise that it'll come soon


guys i got something to tell y’all
          i think ill be rewriting some books
          y’all know that im rewriting taylor, but ive already rewritten the first two chapters, so go check them out
          the next few books i might rewrite is my country humans book and "My 2 demigod bros" i decided to change some parts a little cause its cringey as hell
          so uh
          go check them out