
Another chapter is posted!!! Last one didn’t get a whole lot of love. So go give both of them some love!!!


I need some friends on hereeeeee lol. 
          Anyone have any good story suggestions for Wattpad?? Or want to be friends??


@Taylorjg15 awesome, can’t wait to get to know you 


@b_rogue oh my gosh you’re so sweet and 10000% yes I will be reading your story right now!!! And will also be messaging you


I mean... not to promote myself, but I have a Raura AU Fanfiction called You’re Not From This World that I’m writing if you want to read it... just saying. And if you want to, we can be friends, just message me and we’ll go from there. 


Hiiiiiiiiii I know it’s been forever again life just gets crazy and I always tell myself that I’ll write the next week and the next, then it’s been like 7 months and I haven’t written anything. But for the few of you that read Real Life THERES A NEW CHAPTER UP!!! Working on another to get up in the next few days or so since I still have off. Hope everyone had a good holiday!!!!!❤️❤️❤️


Hey everyone! Hope y’all had a good weekend! :)
          So there will be no new chapter this week...I have a chapter to post but it’s the last one that I already wrote waiting to be posted. I’ve been struggling to write the next chapter after that so I’m going to take another week to finish a couple (or at least start a second) chapters. 
          Hope y’all have a good week!!


Didn’t quite make it to 700 reads but it’s all good I guess! Who’s ready for a new chapter tomorrow???
          Hope everyone is having a good week! :)


@TheRauraStalker well you’re in luck because it’s up!! Go check it out :)


Do y’all think we could get 700 reads on Real Life by Wednesday??? 
          How is everyone’s Saturday so far? What’s everyone doing this weekend? So far in central Texas it’s raining...and my mom and I are hosting two parties at our house today‍♀️ so we shall seeeeee how that goes. Wish me luck! My mom gets super crazy when there’s a party at our house and with two I can’t even imagine what’s going to Happen lol. 
          Hope everyone has a good weekend :)