We all give our hearts to Mark and the Cyndago guys. This was incredible news to take in, and we hope and pray that they don't blame themselves for what happened. It wasn't their fault. My statement in "tired" stands though. 


We all give our hearts to Mark and the Cyndago guys. This was incredible news to take in, and we hope and pray that they don't blame themselves for what happened. It wasn't their fault. My statement in "tired" stands though. 


IM LITERALLY SOBBING RIGHT NOW BECAUSE I DIDNT FIND OUT ABOUT MASON UNTIL NOW! HES SO BEAUTIFUL! I've been on this journey with Adam, about six years now. I'm so happy that he's happy. THANK YOU FOR BEING MY BEST FRIEND ADAM!  


I'm sorry that Fear The Future hasn't gotten all that interesting yet. But, it's my first story so bear with me. I've got something cooler coming up I promise... Just haven't got it quite right yet. There aren't many of you guys, but I do thank the Five kind people who decided to follow a weirdo like me. 


@TazTLC Hey, weirdos FTW! :D Thanks for the follow, btw! :3