
Im alive, but been busy which is why I haven't updated any of my books, I know I've promised to do so but please be patient with me, it's tough juggling what I have on my plate right now.


hey guys im starting a new stroy for a new character named Soran Vadam it's a Halo Fanfic but to be honest -._.- I've never done a fanfic and well seeing how all my followers love me with their undying breath x3 I was hoping maybe yall and can give me an idea on how to start it and here's the info ya need for Soran
          Name: Soran Vadam
          Height: 8'1
          Gender: Male
          Skin: greyish black
          Eyes: Dark Orange
          Body Type: Muscular and quick on his feet
          Combat Style: specializes in close combat with some medium to long range tactics and proficient in hand to hand combat
          Attitude: Casual: Joking, slight flirt when aroused or merely offhandedly so. 
          Serious: Straight to the point. Obdurate, yet reasonable. Prone to violence
          Angered: Almost unreasonable. Highly violent. 
          Course of actions accordingly;
          Casual: Reason with and if given no choice eliminate swiftly.
          Serious: Reason with, caution against conflict.
          Angered: Do not Engage unless necessary.
          Armor Type: Modified Honor Guard armor (Black and Red in color)
          (Out of battle he wears a Red Kimono)
          Weapons: modified Plasma repeater, needle rifle, energy sword, energy spear, energy daggers, and 30 odd plasma grenades
          Features: has a scar running at a right diagonal over his left eye and on his upper right arm in shape of a crescent moon he carved in himself
          Additional Info: Plasma repeater, energy sword spear and daggers are red and black in color armor has 5 over shields and cloaking device for quick get aways to confuse the enemy and let his depleted shields recharge, shields slow recharge rate 55% charge rate


well...i know i keep bugging but please id love it if u guys would read my stories it'll do my heart good if u did kinda getting me diwnseeing tbe same numbers on my profile page and aslo if u like my books would u recommend them to someone you know or on ure list thank u


Well I've decided to come back, though through the relentless pushing and support of both my rl and rp families sry to have kept you all waiting though I am still upset about what has happened I will do my best to continue writing my stories and updating as I can once again I thank you for your patience


hey guys sad to say but I wont be writing for a while, i need some time to think over some things, my hearts hurting at the moment, who knows for how long I'll be gone, I'll drop by every once in a while but wont publish any part of my works, so in due time i hope my heart heals which wont be easy..............cya guys soon


well guys a new idea came to mind and ive started writing down the first chapter of a new book titled "The Silverbloods mate" when im done I'll publish it and wait patiently for feedback i hope u guys will enjoy it cya soon