
Hey, guys, so I've finally started doing some writing again, but am in need of a cover for something new I'm working on. Is anyone willing to make me one/know anyone who could make me one? I'm not very good at them, so I wanted to see if there was anyone who could help. Please, and many thanks! :)


Hey, guys, so I've finally started doing some writing again, but am in need of a cover for something new I'm working on. Is anyone willing to make me one/know anyone who could make me one? I'm not very good at them, so I wanted to see if there was anyone who could help. Please, and many thanks! :)


So… guys… Sorry for my inactivity lately… My edits to Fire Scarred have come to a halt. I'm working on some storyline changes, but have yet to come up with anything worth doing. I'm taking a break from it—and its sequel—until inspiration strikes and I can start it up again. In exchange, I might try something new. I'll post the first chapter and summery as soon as I have the time and energy to write and post it. Please bear with me. Thank you for your time and suchity such. 