
*Slowly sneaks in*
          	We haven't forgotten you guys, we promise! Life is just... well life-ing. Stuff going on all over the place. Stories have been written and posted and we are just waiting for some breathing room to collect ourselves. 
          	We will get to it though, no worries. We will. (Well maybe a few worries, that book outline is looking pretty pissed off at this point. It might beat us up) We are just hoping life stops doing its stupid lemon thing and gives us a break lol
          	Love yall!


@TeaHouseQueens Any progress is good progress!! I'm just happy to know that the stories will still get made ! Take any time y'all neeed and Happy New Year 


@ TeaHouseQueens  Looking forward to your creations! The person who waits for something good never waits too long. Take care! 


@TeaHouseQueens Take whatever time you need. Irl always, always, Always come 1st. Life-ing is definitely tough, esp if you're having to adult. We will all wait patiently. Your writing is More Than Worth It 


I have been searching and googling these books (downworlder) for weeks and weeks and ugh, weeks. And I am honestly so insanely happy I found them again. These are gems and deserve lots and loads of praise. Thank you for writing and sharing your brilliance with the world. 


*Slowly sneaks in*
          We haven't forgotten you guys, we promise! Life is just... well life-ing. Stuff going on all over the place. Stories have been written and posted and we are just waiting for some breathing room to collect ourselves. 
          We will get to it though, no worries. We will. (Well maybe a few worries, that book outline is looking pretty pissed off at this point. It might beat us up) We are just hoping life stops doing its stupid lemon thing and gives us a break lol
          Love yall!


@TeaHouseQueens Any progress is good progress!! I'm just happy to know that the stories will still get made ! Take any time y'all neeed and Happy New Year 


@ TeaHouseQueens  Looking forward to your creations! The person who waits for something good never waits too long. Take care! 


@TeaHouseQueens Take whatever time you need. Irl always, always, Always come 1st. Life-ing is definitely tough, esp if you're having to adult. We will all wait patiently. Your writing is More Than Worth It 


Man being able to write a coauthored book between life and our own projects it hard! Dont worry we havent forgotten this account or the series. We want to get back into it but moving and cramped spaces and family death on both sides makes it a bit hard for us. 
          Dont worry we are planning the next book. The outline isnt done yet (its sitting there taunting us as we speak) but im sure that one life stops life-ing then we can attempt to get things put together again. 
          Have a great day guys!


@TeaHouseQueens Hope you both are doing better. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers :)


@ TeaHouseQueens  Just finished reading book four and I would love to see book five come around.  


Hey guys!
          Just dropping in to let yall know we are okay. Some crazy life stuff is going on and ehat not but we are all good. Still trying to get everything sorted for book 5 but we ARE working on it but life is life and it has a way of messing with you. 
          Love yall! 


@TeaHouseQueens love u sweetheart's  , take ur time


@TeaHouseQueens love you 2, don't worry abt us we'll just reread the series❤️❤️


I honestly love your work, you beautiful imaginative souls. Please please let there be more xoxoxo


@EvyNoble hey, know this is late but you can find us at @TeaNHeartache and @AMLKoski


@EvyNoble nooo where do I find them 


@EvyNoble ikr both of them are phenomenal writers! Have your read their books on their personal profiles?