Okay, so here's a bit about each of us!

So, yep, this is me! I helped form the group from the get go and I'm known far and wide as #BethSyndrome.... don't ask... I love ma gurls! Except when they be trolling me.... :) I'll get my revenge one day... ;) I'm also a pegasister/brony (Don't judge!) and I live by the Pinkie Pie swear. So, if I ask for it, you have to follow through!

Hai der! I'm Kat and I am dat crazy Canada gurl. I am extremely hyperactive and have many different laughs and voices! I am known as a rager (True story) and yeah. *Yells off to side* WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO TYPE?! They're still reading? Oh, hai.
Anyways I am the only Canadian girl of the group all the rest are stuck up Brits (Love you girls.)
I am also half of #Keth, It's a joke you guys. GOSH YOU TAKE EVERYTHING SO SRSLY!!!!! I'm also a Brony and I am the RainbowDash to Beth's Pinkiepie

Well Hi. I am an IDGAFaholic who is in an intimate with their Gaming Consoles and PC. I am a troll and beth kinda Is usually the person being trolled :3 #SorryNotSorryBeth. n_n #Jabyn4lyf

Well hey! I'm the weirdo of the group I'm proud to say:3 Also known on le' old skype as #WaterGun after showing the girls a rather graphic smut. Don't judge me I love to laugh at them xD I'm pretty loud most of the time, especially when I'm being chased on any game, mostly hide n' seek. If you ever feel like talking about anything bothering you feel free to click on my profile and send me a message, I'll be sure to help in any way I can c: KLUB ICELAND! Bahi! *Poof*

*Waves* I don't know what to say here so I'll say hi... Hi :) Anyways, enjoy this collab account, it's gunna be freaking awesome... SO MANY AWESOME WRITERS! XD JaFoJade OUT! *salutes*

So... Me... Erm... I AM A PSYCHOPATH WHO LOVES PINK FLUFFY UNICORNS! I'm also the Secret Stalker of the group... I'll be watching your every move! -_-
  • Somewhere in the world of Minecraft (And the land of Ooo)
  • JoinedOctober 21, 2013


Last Message
TeamInfinity TeamInfinity May 09, 2014 09:15PM
You guys are all awesome! I love you all ok ~ Jessie:3
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