Axria Del:
mkay- There are currently about 8 stories, each grouped through different universes that may or may not even be possible to intertwine, but if you're interested, here is a rundown:
1: BTEC Trials, Crystal Condemnment, and Ejaiah's story. This is all part of one HUGE story thing that most of us are really interested in but needs a lot of planning and editing. The BTEC Trials are where the "Mods" are from, but that one is for all intents and purposes run by Dr. Val . It's basically an AI-based idea where multiple people from across literal multiverses were pulled into one large attempt to search and locate the traitors from Crystal Condemnment (a separate story). This search and find thing is run by the same organization as in Ejaiah's story. Neither of these works is published or even being drafted yet as it's still so unclear... Ask Dr. Vallient about them-
2: TSotS cannons and SoF stories (Un-Published but being worked on). TSotS (The Secrets of the Sallows) and Sof (Sins of Fate) are both things that are collaborated on and roleplayed, but essentially it's about a group of metahumans (including but not further connected to) a character from Crystal Condemnment (Who's original name is the one I use now. Ax'ria.) who just have slice-of-life type days and episodes. This may or may not become a weird sitcom thing. Sins of Fate kicks off after an AU where they all decided to kill each other, and in the afterlife [Ax'ria] just xxxxing sent one of them to hell for being too annoying. This kicks off one huge and overarching plot with the 7 Deadly Sins, as well as new sins that fit into the categories of the 7 deadly but are prominent enough on their own to warrant their own "Sub Sin Catagory".
3: (continued on another post...) Eliken and Deie, the individual stories and one-shot things of their own. Eliken and Deie['s people] are a set of bird-like people who have currently unknown origins, though it's known they arrived some time in the early 18th century.