You have to be selfish in life. I just learned this from ordering ice cream and I was nice enough to let my “friends” try my favorite flavor and before I knew it, it was all gone. Now I’m annoyed. So be SELFISH
-alizard violet
"You have to be kind in life. I learnt this when buying all of the team tickets to Disneyland with part of my six figure inheritance. Team Zen is now officially part of Club 33 again after Jack got us kicked out last time! :))" -Baskin Roberts
If you pretend like you know what you're doing, then people think you know what you're doing.
Then they think you're smart when you're really not-
—Nick Cromp Cromp
You have to be selfish in life. I just learned this from ordering ice cream and I was nice enough to let my “friends” try my favorite flavor and before I knew it, it was all gone. Now I’m annoyed. So be SELFISH
-alizard violet
@s-scaryspice. Sometimes it’s better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that you’re stupid than open it and remove all doubt.
-alizard violet