Dear Readers,
Hiya. We’ve been gone for a while. The reason for this being we lost a member of our team. Mason, aka the one who creates “Team Farkid”, broke up with Emma (me), aka the reason any of this is a thing. We got into a huge fight and he didn’t want anything to do with me. Because this was so hard on me, I told everyone that we were going to take a break. However, It’s my fault that nothing was put out about us taking a break or even when we were planning on coming back. It’s my fault that this has gone on for so long and for that, I’m sorry. Mason and I had been together for 3 years and I thought it was going somewhere. Turns out he wasn’t as “loyal” as he seemed. I’ve contacted the team again and found out that Carly, our writer, did take a small break, but is still working hard. I don’t know how many, but she says she has a butt load of chapters that are ready to be released. I’m not sure if we’re going to be back into the swing of things, but I can assure you that “Team Fartkid” is NOT OVER!
I love you all very much,