Tatiana, also known as Teashy-Loo or MercyTheGay. A young French who aspires to become a translator or a prosthetist orthotist. In love with Australia, and Brisbane. Also in love with England and Egypt. " Did I mention how gay I am? ", said the bisexual me. Clexa is love, Clexa is life. Pharmercy is love, Pharmercy is life. WidowTracer is love, WidowTracer is life. Gayest gay in the whole Unigayverse and Gaylord of Ausgaylia. Shipping Trash.

Lexa Deserved Better.
Email : tatiana.pinto.pro@gmail.com
Twitter : TeashyLoo
PSN ( For Overwatch ) : GinnyAlbusdottir
Battletag ( For Overwatch ) : MercyTheGay#2534
  • Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
  • JoinedAugust 15, 2016


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