
Hey everyone! Miss me? Sorry for the radio silence. I’ve been busy. I’m focusing on my college studies and not to mention I just had surgery. Writing just hasn’t been on my brai. I’m still writing but progress is slow. But I appreciate everyone who had stuck around till now. Okami will return. BELIVE I. Techno out!


Hey everyone! Miss me? Sorry for the radio silence. I’ve been busy. I’m focusing on my college studies and not to mention I just had surgery. Writing just hasn’t been on my brai. I’m still writing but progress is slow. But I appreciate everyone who had stuck around till now. Okami will return. BELIVE I. Techno out!


Hey Everyone. Techno here. It’s been a while huh? I know it has. I’m not gone yet. You all can’t get rid of me that easily.ive made a change to clumsy kitsune. It’s now going to be called Kitsune: Rise of Darkness. This decision was made now as I looked back on the current story I have and the storyline I wish to tell just don’t line up with the title. In other news regarding Okami and her journey. I haven’t abandoned it. A new chapter is almost complete. Although I’m afraid to say Alcott Raced is hearby on a permanent hiatus. I love the story and my characters but the situation regarding it is grim. Without material in drifting stratos to work with I’m afraid I would be unable to move past the prologue. The story I main was to tell the story of drifting stratos from a different angle/perspective. With no updates I have to cut my losses. I may at least end the prologue should I get enough requests but sadly this is where Allison’s story ends. This is Techno signing out.
          (Okami. I pass the torch to you. Blaze open a path for our creator. I fell short so I leave my hopes and dreams to you. Your journey will be hard but I believe in you. Good luck. And to you all who read my story. I appreciate you being alongside me for the time we shared. I’ll see you on the mountain pass. - Allison Alcott.)


HEY EVERYONE TECHNO HERE! Kept you waiting huh? Yes I know. It’s been a while. But I’m slowly getting back into writing. I’m making small adjustments to clumsy kitsune. So to make sure all the changes roll out I’ll be republishing all the chapters. I’m giving a heads up so you’re all aware! New chapter yet as I {BAKA AUTHER WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!} Okami! I know you’re mad we will talk later. Now where was I? Oh right no new chapter yet. I have to re read to get my sense of the timeline back. After I fix the previous chapters problems I’ll start on the new chapter. Welp Techno signing out. See ya around! {GET OVER HERE YOU STUPID BA-}


Hey everyone! Techno here! I just wanted to give you all a update. I have been out of ideas and motivation to work on either of my stories. I have tried. I really have but I just can’t get into it. As much as I want until I get my writing spark back I’ll have to put both stories on hiatus. I do t know when I’ll get back into it but when I do I will be sure to let you all know. Also question. I have a list of characters that will return In Alcott racer once we get into the main series. The list is done. Should I post it in the meantime? That’s all for now! Techno signing out! Peace!


HEY EVERYONE! Razgriz here! I just wanted to make a quick announcement. Don’t worry non of the books I’m working on are canceled. Actually I haven’t been writing as I’ve been doing stuff around my home that needed doing. And with armored core 6 releasing soon which I pre ordered and have been extremely excited about. I haven’t got much done and I don’t know when I will return. I’m not abandoning them but until I get my armored core itch scratched both stories are on Hiatus. Also if you want to watch my silent play through check out my twitch channel on the 25th  around 10 to 11 when I get on and start playing the campaign. It’s Techno2308! See you on the battlefield ravens!


Note the time is 10 to 11 am EST


Hello everyone Razgriz here….no Okami this time because im doing a serious announcement. As those of you you have recently read Alcott racer you will have seen a change. {ON HIATUS} is at the end of the title. I feel it and the 100 reads chapter need some explaining. 1 the 100 reads chapter is going to be scrapped completely. It’s not happening due to lack of where to take it. 2 The Hiatus isn’t permanent nor is it a real Hiatus per say. The necmxt chapter is still coming out it will take a lot longer Especially with clumsy kitsune coming out which I will now explain. When Alcott Racer released I was excited as it’s my first time writing a full story with a character I truly enjoy writing. But there is a problem. With it being a tie in to Drifting stratos if limits my creativity by alot. I have to deal with the stories pre existing lore and work around that hence Clumsy Kitsune. Now it’s not a main story by any means but rather a way to have creative freedom. But I just feel burnt out and want to take a break. Progress will still happen on both stories but don’t be surprised if I falter. 
          TLDR: Im tired of no creativity and made a new story but I’m also burnt out.
          With that I’ll take my leave. Farewell everyone!


GOOD NEWS CHAPTER 2 IS ALMOST DONE! I have decided to release them as I finish with no real schedule. The reason for this is that I want to make sure I put out my best work. Also I will be redoing chapter one afterwards. I totally didn’t retcon my own lore by accident. (Really author? How did you screw up that bad?) SHUT UP YOU FICTIONAL CHARACTER! Anyways look forward to chapter 2 soon!


Hey guys Razgriz here! I hate to say it but I’m going to have to put Alcott Racer on the back burner for a bit. There is a personal problem I’m dealing with and I’m sick as I write this. NOW THIS DOESN’T MEAN ITS CANCELED OR ON HIATUS. I will work on it it’s just going to be slower than I planned. The reason for this I’m drained mentally emotionally and creatively. Chapter 2 is in the works and will be MUCH BETTER ((expect pictures and music this time.))
          (Author you can’t give out secrets like that.) Shut up Allison. Besides who let you out of your story? Excuse me while I return our favorite outcast Alcott to her story! Take care everyone!