
Season 4 Story is out. Finally omg  


Thank  You!  I  hope  you  enjoy  this  new  story :)


Would  you  guys  want  a  sneak  peek  into  Story  4  of  TWD?  If  so  what  type?  
          Action?  Romance?  Conflict?  
          Lemme  know


If it's anything? Family (i.e. Duck, Clem, and AJ)
            If I have to pick one of the 3? Romance


Okay  Updates  for  you  guys!
          The  Walking  Dead  S4  Story  is  called  “I’d  Rather  Burn  Bridges”  Ofcourse  like  the  other  3  it  is  my  rewrite  of  the  series  with  my  own  little  spin  on  things!  I  have  some  fun  things  in  store  for  this  story  :)
          I  have  a  mini  two  shot  coming  out  called  “Thy  Hand  Offends  Thee”  which  is  the  story  of  how  Duck  and  Clementine  found  Aj.
          I  will  publish  that  before  the  S4  story.  However  I’m  still  debating  on  if  I  want  to  publish  S4  after  I  complete  the  entire  thing like  I  did  S3  or  if  I  wanna  do  a  chapter  at  a  time  like  S1  and  S2.
          I  think  you  guys  will  really  like  S4  as  it  will  finally  explore  a lot  of  thing  between  Duck  and  Clem  that  need  to  be  addressed  from  all  the  way  back  to  the  first  story  and  things  throughout  their  journey!  
          I’m  very  excited.
          But  yes  that’s  the  update!  Thank  You  guys!  Sorry  for  taking  a  while
          I’ve  been  sick  lately,  as  some  of  you  know  I’m  disabled  and  have  a  number  of  disabilities  so  I’ve  been  having  a  tough  time  lately  but  I’m  thankful  for  the  patience!


@_clemsthename_ I added a bit more to it so I published twice lol. Jeez just in case it doesn’t all show the first time smh


@_clemsthename_  why  thank  you!  I  appreciate  the  prayers  very  much!  I  think  you’ll  like  the  recent  update  I’ve  put  up  as  well!  I’m  very  excited.  It’s  small  but  