
Hey guys! I'm sorry for not posting yesterday but I'm not feeling too well so I'm gonna wait until I feel better to start posting more updates to my Naruto FanFaction. 
          	If you haven't read that story yet, you should go check it out!!!  
          	Until next time,


Hey guys! I'm sorry for not posting yesterday but I'm not feeling too well so I'm gonna wait until I feel better to start posting more updates to my Naruto FanFaction. 
          If you haven't read that story yet, you should go check it out!!!  
          Until next time,


Hey guys! I'm just going to let you know that I'm not going to be able to post a chapter for the You Don't  Know story. I'm hoping I'll be able to post it tomorrow but if not, then it'll be on Sunday. 
          I'm sorry for it being posted late. 
          Until next time,


Hey guys! I'm finally able to post this story now and I really hope that you look forward to reading this. I've worked really hard on this story since I'm finally writing another one after so long. This will probably be one of the few stories that I post before I start college. Please like the chapter that I posted. I would appreciate that a lot. If you have anything to say or ask, either comment on the story or message me. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to read this! I love you guys! Until next time, CIAO!!~~ https://www.wattpad.com/story/96721109


Hey! It's been a while since I've been on here but I would just like to let people know that I'm doing my best to get back into writing and start posting more stories. I'm thinking about making another Naruto story as the story for me to get back into it. I hope that you'll love it as much as my other Naruto story that I posted a while back.
          I'm still deciding whether or not I'm going to continue with my kpop fanfiction. I don't know what groups to write about it. I might do a One Direction fanfiction if I have enough time to before the school year ends. 
          Let me know what you guys think about that, whether you think that sounds like a good idea or not! :)
          If my readers are expecting a Naruto story, which I talked about earlier, I would just like to let you know that I'm still working on the details about it. I'll probably start posting it once I completely finish the computer on my computer so it might not start being posted until late January or early February. 
          I hope that you guys have a wonderful day! I'll talk to you guys later, hopefully it's soon!!!!


Hey! I know that I've haven't been on here in a long time but this may be some bad news for some of my readers. 
          I'm deleting the BTS fanfiction that I posted on here. I haven't really been keeping up with it lately since I've been offline on here and I honestly have no idea where I want this story to go unlike my other stories in the past so I think that it's best that I delete it. 
          Plus, not a lot of people seem really interested in the story in the first place so that's also kind of a bummer. 
          I'm sorry to those that actually enjoy reading the story but I've been debating about doing this for 2-3 weeks now so I'm not doing this irrationally. I've actually put some thought into this. 
          My other works will be able to read and I don't know when I'll be posting another story if I do plan on posting one since I'm a senior in high school now and I'm going to be busy more than ever before. 
          I really hope that you understand why I'm doing this and that you continue to support the other stories that I've written. 
          Thank you!~


Hey! I haven't updated for the past two days mainly because of schoolwork. I will update the story once I'm done reading the chapters, taken notes, done my Discussion Board Questions and taken the test along with the midterm exam. Please be patient with me because it might be a while 


I won't be able to update today since I'll be preparing for an APUSH test that I'm taking for Friday. If I have all my notes done for study guide today, then I'll continue updating the Naruto Fanfic. If not, I'll let you know when my next update will be


Sorry, that I wasn't able to update my story at all today. I had a lot of work and homework to do for my classes since I missed 3 of them for two days straight due to a doctor's appointment and an ACT Test Prep. 
          I hate standardized testing. 
          Anyways, I'll do my best to update tomorrow if I have enough time to. 
          Until next time,


On Chapter 30 for my Naruto FanFic, it looked like my picture didn't load so I would like to apologize in advance for that. I already tried fixing it but it doesn't seem like anything that I do is working. And it was a good picture of Kakashi too! >.<