Hi my loves, I just wanted to say thank you for bearing with me throughout my last story. I know I was terrible with updating within a reasonable time but I'm just grateful that ya'll have stuck around and enjoyed Paxton and Chelsea's story as much as I have. Thank you so much guys. xx
Just finished ready your book “The Pact” and absolutely loved it!!!
I think you should write a sequel about he group having kiddos
You are definitely an amazing writer, thank you for sharing your book
Hi my loves, I just wanted to say thank you for bearing with me throughout my last story. I know I was terrible with updating within a reasonable time but I'm just grateful that ya'll have stuck around and enjoyed Paxton and Chelsea's story as much as I have. Thank you so much guys. xx
Hello beautiful, extraordinary people. I know I'm the worst person at updating, life is just moving a little too fast or me to keep up at the moment. But I love you all for sticking with me. Just wanted to let you guys know that I changed the female lead to Blake Lively but Wattpad won't let me change it so just remember that if you see a random gif of the "wrong" girl. K, love you babes. xx
Hey guys, I know I've done a really shitty job posting the past three weeks but school has literally been ruining my life. It's tough shit guys.. Hopefully ya'll enjoy what I've put together so far and bear with me! Thanks so much xx