
          	Gosh, I only just saw your message then xD I'm hopeless, haha


          haha, fear not. You should change your settings :o 
          That is exactly what should happen! I'm so excited for when Doctor Who comes back. The words cannot describe how pumped I am. Have you seen the new assistant? She's so tanned. 
          Thanks! :D I don't mind. You can make up for all the people who forgot :P


@TeganRHerrick >_< This time I forgot. I get hundreds of e-mails from Wattpad, so I didn't catch this one in time.
          Oh yeah, it's definitely up there for me too x]
          Magic. Or (and this is my wistful, fangirl side coming out) you travel back in time (with the Doctor, of course!), do your homework, then he erases your memory, Donna Noble-style. Yes. I am just cool enough to come up with that.
          Happy Birthday my time! Haha, I already wished you twice, but third time's the charm. Not sure for what exactly, though.


          Well, this is a late reply, haha. I keep forgetting about Wattpad :P 
          Food is fantastic. It is one of my favourite things :D 
          I took the day off school so I could catch up on homework and I'm drinking tea and watching The Immortals. I don't know how my homework gets done, to be honest!