
Girl please upload more frequently 
          Story bhi bhoolne lage hai yr ab toh pehle ki


this message may be offensive
@meh_whatevah Well shit then. Study study, career first ig we can wait


I’m so sorry man
            Constant exams 
            Pehel pre mocks phir mocks ab caies 
            I upload as frequently as I can


Can I say something if you don’t mind ?? I really really liked sadquey zindagi . But i don’t understand the past between sameer and mehrul and like mehrul ka samajh aaya she always loved him but how come sameer fell after assuring his girlfriend that he will divource mehrul and how could mehrul still be with him after what all she went through because of him and his girlfriend ?? Why no one from family ever questioned sameer ?? I understand mehrul’s love made her accept sameer back but is it realistic ?? But then we read books to get respite from reality !! As fiction world is far better then reality !! Please if you see this do reply !! 


In the end when mehrul decided to leave sameer it was bcs she wanted him and the whole family to see that she won’t do what they want her to and she will not accept the societal norms 
            When everybody understood it she decided to drop the plan and the rest you know


So when his studies were over he came back to Pakistan thinking that mehrul forgot his ‘mistake’ but she obviously didn’t and that was the last mistake he could 


Sameer had his girlfriend over when mehrul visited and obviously regretted his decisions when mehrul stopped calling and messaging him 
            So he went to visit his family and saw the damage he had done 
            He went back and thought about it a lot 
            Finally acting like a mature man he accepted his life and realized that it was actually really good for him 


          Apologies for posting it without permission,I hope you're doing well,
          If you spare some time, do check out my story. kindly give my book a chance............I am pretty sure you love it ❤️..............This Story is about Crazy Heroine Reva and Cold Hearted Hero Rajiv, if you're looking for a Comedy Romantic story...................Check out❤️


          I just wanted your little help can you try to find the book which has girl married to a muslim boy and that boy goes to dubai for two years and come back to meet his daughter and wife 
          In that her mother in law is very rude and stuff
          Actually I couldn't save that book and I am eagerly want to read i don't know the name of the book I just know this plot
          Plz can you do me a favor and tell your other friends to so



Hey there! Sorry for posting without permission. Hope you are doing good. If your time permits please check out my stories and give me your valuable comments on them. I would love to know your thoughts on my story.
          Happy Reading